Sunday, August 26, 2012

Soutache with a rivoli

To use a rivoli or cabochon for Soutache glue your rivoli to foundation fabric, I've used felt and bezel in your favourite way. I've used peyote, then a backstitch row of size 11's
Cut your pieces of soutache braid, this brand frays so I've dabbed a bit of fraycheck on each end

 Start with a few stitches in the soutache to hold the braid together then lay on felt and stitch from soutache down through felt, back up and through soutache until you've been around the rivoli

 Join the two sides of braid together without going through felt

 Trim carefully

 Then finish off ends of soutache as normal

 The rivoli component is now ready to continue adding braid and beads to it

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